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라스베가스에서 벌었던 밥값도 다 잃고,
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그리고는 아쉬운마음에 힐튼호텔에 가서, 한게임 더 했다가 완전 망하고 돌아왔네요. 하하.
다음에 카지노에 갈때는 동영상 강의라도 좀 보고 가야겠습니다. :D
Open english content
Atlantic city is east coast's Las vegas'.
When we stayed in Phily,have been there.
It's a short distance from Phily.
But has different rule cause it's other states.
Big difference is New Jersey's GAS station offering full service.
Much of antique hotel buildings are there.
We decided to go Borgata hotel and had lunch.
Cuisine's were substaintially good. Especially Blue berry salad was very nice.
But I think las vegas casinos are better cause Borgata's had high minimum betting rule.
I lost all of money that I won at Las vegas.
I did emptying mind through dale chihuly's glass chandelier in the lobby.
I thought that 'Another place will give me a luck.'
Then I lost much of money at Hilton hotel casino. haha.
Next time. I will go to casino after seeing video lecture. :D